Good Day - Forrest Frank Mp3 Download & Lyrics

Good Day - Forrest Frank Mp3 Download & Lyrics

Good Day – Forrest Frank Mp3 Download. Singer, instrumentalist, and producer best known for being part of the genre-blending band Surfaces.

The group debuted with an album called Surf, and a follow-up album titled Where the Light Is. In May of 2023, he released a solo album titled Nostalgia Pack. 

As an instrumentalist, he played the guitar, piano, and ukulele. He considers himself to be a self-taught musician.

Their album Surf was what helped put them on the map, earning over 70 million streams on Spotify……Continue

Song Reviews;

  1. When you put God first, and have faith, your going to have a good day,
  2. Saw the freestyle on TikTok, had to look for the rest of the song. Good stuff!!

Artist Name: Forrest Frank

Song Title: Good Day

Year Released: 2024

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