Anxiety Free? As a Christian or believer, it’s important to know that God does not want us to live with anxiety. Instead, we can trust God to take care of us.
He is always in control and knows what is best for us. When we pray, God gives us His peace, which helps us stay calm even in difficult times.
Being anxiety-free does not mean we won’t face challenges but it means we don’t have to handle them alone. God is our helper and He will give us strength.
To overcome anxiety, we should focus on God’s promises. Reading the Bible, worshiping and remembering how God has helped us in the past can give us confidence.
Daily Devotion: Anxiety Free
However, my anchor scripture reads; “Be care for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
God has given His children an antidote to be free from all forms of anxiety. He is such a loving and gracious God to give us such wonderful keys.
The keys to overcome anxiety are prayers, supplication, and thanksgiving. Prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving produce the peace of God, which will completely get rid of anxiety from our hearts and minds.
This peace also guards our hearts from outside intrusion as well. Share, your commonts with other readers, and God almighty that surpasses all things will bless and reward you with anxiety-free life. Amen!!!!!
Daily Devotion: Anxiety Free? Share your thought below…
From: Oduigwe Chidera Dok…