Prayer For Employment? Often when you are still unemployed and trying to secure a job it can feel just like you’re burdened with the world.
That is why people pray most of the time especially when things are not clear, prayer serves as this source of strength, hope and direction.
Petition for a job is about asking for help from God (or a superior being) at the same time believing that everything will occur in the right time.
In this case when you pray for for a job you are not merely praying for a pay check you are praying for a job that is fulfilling, one that matches your skills and passion.
It’s a way of saying, “I am prepared to take the effort and I am leaving myself in Your hands for directing me to the right place.”
A simple prayer might go something like this: “Oh God I’m a little insecure at the moment, so I am going to trust You. Oh Yes, please lead me to the right job, a job that I can be of great value and one that can also offer me the opportunity to develop myself. Make my patience larger, give me strength, and let me persevere longer. Finally, there’s a quote, “Thank You for being with me every step of the way.”
It may also provides you comfort and reduce your worries and anxieties. What it does is that it assists you in releasing the worry on the outcome and more on the work that is being done in preparation for the outcome.
It’s a message of hope to those struggling with addiction and an reminder to the public that recovery is possible.
That is, if you are out there looking for a job opportunity, spend some time praying. So, it is not just a matter of getting a job, it is also a matter of process and definitely hope. Your next chance at that role may not be too far off!
Prayer For Employment? Share your thought below..
From Oduigwe Chidera Dok..