Scootie Wop - NO WEAPON (REMIX) ft. Lecrae, Fred Hammond Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics

Scootie Wop - NO WEAPON (REMIX) ft. Lecrae, Fred Hammond Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics

Scootie Wop – NO WEAPON (REMIX) ft. Lecrae, Fred Hammond Mp3 Download. Scootie Wop is a Christian Artist from South Carolina, USA. Starting at the age of 21 he has since been releasing music at a high clip.

From the humble beginnings with his debut album “Street Certified “ to his viral success hit single “Spin Back” which is featured on his first debut mixtape “The SUPERDUPERCRUNKTAPE.”

However, he features two other talented singers and songwriters, Lecrae & Fred Hammond, for this very remixed song titled “NO WEAPON”. Listen and be blessed!!!!

Song Reviews;

  1. If anyone needs clarity about the premise of the video, this was our way of honouring God for allowing us to plan a marriage and go through months of long distance as we prepared! In the video we’re apart and come together to worship at the end.
  2. I was a fan of this song when it had 13 views on Youtube! Praise Jesus! Thank you for this beautiful masterpiece.
  3. Thank You God! Without you I’m nothing! Love this song it’s a reminder that no matter how hard the devil tries, God gots me!

Artist Name: Scootie Wop ft. Lecrae, Fred Hammond


Year Released: 2024

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