Larry Fleet - Where I Find God Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics

Larry Fleet - Where I Find God Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics

Larry Fleet – Where I Find God Mp3 Download. Larry Fleet is an American country music singer-songwriter. Signed to Big Loud in 2019, he has released three albums and three singles.

Song Reviews;

  1. I buried both of my adult children who died 2 years and 2day apart. I walked through the wilderness for 17 years and Prayed without ceasing . God has pulled me through . I will have a reunion with them one day.
  2. After 24 years of drinking, drugs, and partying. At the age of 40. I found God on an interstate to Lexington KY. My wife fought leukemia at UK hospital for the most of 2919-2021. The lord called her home but we both found God first. I’ll see her in heaven. This song has gave me a lot of peace.
  3. Came back to God after being a Pagan for many years this past Easter Sunday 2022. Put away the bottle and picked up the Bible. Thank you, Jesus. This song really hits home. Thanks Larry. You have touched more lives (maybe saved a few too.) than you may ever know. Bless you.

Artist Name: Larry Fleet

Song Title: Where I Find God

Year Released: 2021

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