Daily Devotion: Look Beyond The Physical

Daily Devotion: Look Beyond The Physical.

According to the book of Matthew 19:26, which says (NKJV)…

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

The reason many do not reach their potential is that they cannot see or comprehend possibilities beyond the physical realm; they do not know how to dream!

Dreaming is looking beyond the physical and seeing possibilities in the spirit; it is looking beyond men to God with whom all things are possible.

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Just like our opening text reads, there is nothing you cannot do or be if you can walk in faith, that is, by looking beyond the natural.

When God shows what you must achieve or become, do not stop at looking at the physical means of achieving or becoming what God has shown you.

Everything that comes out of God is supernatural, therefore, there is the supernatural aspect of what you must become, for which you must depend on the Lord.

Do not ask yourself, how can I become great when no one has ever become great in my family?

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Or how can I become what God has promised me when I do not know anyone? A dreamer does not think this way.

Rather, mix the promises of God with faith, and look beyond men to God, positioning yourself for that word or instruction of the Spirit by which you will gain a supernatural advantage.

What has the Lord spoken about your life, family, career, or business?

Mix it with faith in your heart and ideas will be born.

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And when those ideas begin to come, the transformation will follow.

So, hope in God and rest in Him as you diligently work towards what He has said. With Him, nothing shall be impossible.

Our Prayer: Oh Lord my God, nothing is impossible with you.

Help me to live in this reality today, as I walk with you in faith to achieve the impossible, in Jesus Name. AMEN!!!!