The good Lord saved me from addiction, sickness, accidents, arrows of the devil at night and poverty. When I was financially down and broke, it was God gave me an opportunity to live again.
When I was struggling to graduate from the university in the year 2016, it was God who sorted it out for me so that I can now be a graduate in a family of none.
Also, when I was faced with unemployment after some years, it was Jehovah God, who gave me a nice job at a hospital without any application letter. In fact, what more can I say concerning this wonderful God that saw me through all these years.
However, “What Can I Say” by Solomon Lange, a Nigerian talented preacher and gospel singer. This song is all about being so amazed by God’s goodness, love and blessings that you don’t even have enough words to describe how grateful you are.
It’s a song of thanksgiving, worship and recognizing that everything we have is because of God’s grace.
You know how sometimes something so amazing happens that you just don’t know what to say? Maybe you received a big surprise, a life-changing opportunity or a blessing that you never expected.
That’s the feeling this song expresses, it’s like looking at all that God has done and realizing, “Wow, I don’t even have the right words to thank Him!”
This song reminds us that God is always working in our lives, even in ways we don’t always see. He provides, protects, guides and loves us unconditionally.
Sometimes we go through struggles, but when we look back, we can see how God brought us through. This song is saying, “Lord, You’ve done so much for me, what can I even say?”
It’s a song about humility too. It reminds us that we don’t deserve God’s goodness, but He gives it to us anyway because of His love.
We can’t repay Him and we can’t fully express how grateful we are but we can worship Him with all our hearts.
Also reminds us to never take God’s blessings for granted. Sometimes we get so used to the things we have (health, family, protection, daily provision) that we forget to stop and say, “Thank You, Lord.”
But this song helps us remember that everything we have is a gift from Him. Therefore, when you hear “What Can I Say,” let it remind you to pause and thank God.
Even if you don’t have the perfect words, just saying “Lord, I’m grateful” is enough. Because at the end of the day, His love and mercy are greater than anything we could ever describe as humans.
My dear reader, what else can I say about this great God?