Open The Eyes of My Heart | Jordan G. Welch Mp3 Download.

Open The Eyes of My Heart | Jordan G. Welch Mp3 Download.

Open The Eyes of My Heart | Jordan G. Welch Mp3 Download. Jordan G. Welch is an American gifted singer, songwriter, and music producer. As an anointed vocalist, skilled vocal arranger, accomplished musician, and powerful songwriter, Jordan has a passion to spread God’s love using all of her musical prowess, and leaving a loving imprint on the hearts of those whom she has the wonderful opportunity to connect with and meet.

However, she is here once more with her love for both God and humanity, with very gospel song titled “Open The Eyes of My Heart.” This song is a call to reverence and worship God Almighty. Listen and be blessed!!!!!

Song Reviews:

  1. I am the only one who listens to this song everyday? This song totally ministers to me and I hope it ministers to everyone who listens to it. God bless you.
  2. This woman unlocked a hunger for worship in me. May we hunger again for a move from heaven in Jesus name.
  3. I call this My LIFE song ….. Someone suggested it for me just yesterday…. Long story short I wanted to end my life today I felt so useless untill I started listening to the song, instead of writing my suicide note I have written the lyrics to this song. Thank you so much for ministering with this song, the devil has been defeated.

Artist Name: Jordan G. Welch

Song Title: Open The Eyes of My Heart

Year Released: 2024

YouTube Video
