More | Feat. Joe L Barnes & Lauren Scott | Forest City Worship Mp3 Download

More | Feat. Joe L Barnes & Lauren Scott | Forest City Worship Mp3 Download

“More” is a powerful gospel song that features Joe L Barnes & Lauren Scott, by Forest City Worship. What a worship-studded song of praise!!!!!!!

Forest City Worship (FCW) is an American collective of artists, musicians and songwriters who serve the ministry of Forest City Church (Rockford & Elgin Illinois).

By embracing a wide spectrum of sounds and styles, they exist to set the table for a worship experience for anyone and everyone to authentically encounter Jesus.

FCW is passionate to see the practice of praise to God transform hearts, cities, and nations, and cause us to grow in love for Jesus and one another.

According to FCW “More” is the third single from the upcoming Forest City Worship live recording “The Experience.” “More” is a faith-filled declaration that will experience the abundant life promised to us in Ephesians 3:20.

However, “More“, is a song about wanting to grow closer to God. The song expresses a deep hunger for more of God’s presence, love and guidance in life.

It talks about how nothing in the world can satisfy the soul like God can. The singers share their desire to experience God’s love in a greater way, to know Him better and to feel His peace and power.

It’s a prayer of surrender, asking God to fill their hearts and lives completely.


This song is a blessing to me,for unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine, he’s doing more,more,more more than i see and more that i know thank you Jesus.

We’re believing for you to experience the MORE that God has for you! I see Joel L Barnes and I listen. Man’s ability to lead worship is amazing.

Woow Nations Lets Gather here and worship our able God. ️Thank God for Forest City Church and Worship.