Judikay released this beautiful gospel song titled “More Than Gold.” Sister Judikay is on this very song of worship. The talented Nigerial gospel singer and songwriter, worships God via her ministrations and it has been a blessing to those who choosed to worship the LORD with all their hearts.
My feet always fall down and tears of worship flows down my cheek whenever I hear this song been played.
When I remember what God has done in my life and families, I know and believe the more that I have sweet Jesus, who is more than gold.
More Than Gold by Judikay is a gospel song that celebrates the incomparable value of knowing and having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The song expresses that Jesus is far more precious than any material possession, including gold, which is often seen as one of the most valuable things in the world.
The lyrics highlight how Jesus brings joy, peace, and fulfillment that no earthly thing can provide. Judikay sings about how nothing in life can compare to the love, grace and salvation that Jesus offers.
She declares that Jesus is all she needs and that having Him is better than having riches or treasures.
The song’s message is one of gratitude and worship, reminding listeners of the priceless gift of Jesus in their lives.
It encourages believers to focus on their relationship with Him rather than chasing after material things that cannot satisfy the soul. Enjoy it!!!