I heard this very song this morning it moved me to dance and praise the name of the most hing who Has put smile on my face when the thought otherwise.
I’m rejoicing in the LORD because I know fully well that the mercy of the Lord is speaking for me, the Angels of the Lord are fighting for me, the favour of the lord is speaking for me and at the same time, the Blood of Jesus Christ is speaking for me.
“Mercy of The Lord” by Judikay is all about God’s mercy, His kindness, forgiveness and love for us even when we don’t deserve it. It’s a song of gratitude and deep appreciation for how much God cares for us.
You know how sometimes we make mistakes or feel like we’ve messed up? This song reminds us that God’s mercy is always available.
No matter what we have done, He is always ready to forgive, help, and restore us. His mercy is not based on how good we are but on His love for us.
When Judikay sings about God’s mercy, she is saying, “God, I wouldn’t be where I am today without Your kindness. If it wasn’t for Your mercy, I don’t know where I would be.”
She is recognizing that everything she has, her life, her blessings and even her relationship with God, is all because of His mercy.
This song also teaches us to be humble. It reminds us that we are not perfect, and we don’t deserve all the good things God gives us, but He still blesses us because He is loving and merciful. It’s a way of saying, “God, I don’t take Your kindness for granted. I am grateful.”
In conclusion, this is a song of thanksgiving and it encourages us to look back on our lives and recognize all the times God has been merciful to us.
It reminds us that no matter what happens, God’s mercy will always be there for you & I. If you ever feel unworthy or weighed down by mistakes, this song is a beautiful reminder that God’s love and mercy are always enough. Hallelujah!!!