It Will Never End In Shame…..

It will never end in shame? Few days back, me and my boss was driving to our new Native Food outlet in Owerri (Fisherman Delicacies And More), then came this very compelling question that occurred to mind. I said to myself; “this is the right time to ask your boss this question and see her views as well.”

I asked her; “Ma what is the difference between wasting of time and being patient?” she looked at me with awe and said; “Chidera, what do you actually mean?” I replied and said, “is there any difference between someone said to be wasting time and having patient?

She slowed down the vehicle a bit and had a sigh. And she said, “as for me, the clear difference between the two keys words you mentioned is INTENTION. Though people may tag a patient person as someone wasting time, but within him or her, there is a purpose why he or she is waiting. That’s the INTENTION, and it’s clear to him or her.”

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With that said, according to T.D Jakes, in one of his books, he said “Destiny is worth waiting for.” Maybe you have a business that’s struggling, a marriage that’s about to tear apart, spending years in school without graduating, graduated without good job, your mates are above you in social status, you have reached the age to marry but no available fund to execute marriage rights, traveled abroad for years without being stable financially, maybe you have prayed and fasted for that breakthrough but all seemed calm and stagnant, etc. I want you to remember that, if there is a will, then there must be a way.

Let it be an abomination that all your sleepless nights, shedding of tears on daily basis, gnashing of teeth when you remember challenges, your struggling and quest to be successful ended in shame. My dear, it won’t end in shame.

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According to Isaiah 49:15-17 English Standard Version (ESV) said; “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” That’s the word of your maker, God, assuring you that it will never end in shame.

However, the time is now, tell God, who made heaven and earth that your journey thus far on earth will never end in shame. Joseph didn’t end up in shame, neither Daniel nor David, the shepherd.

If these people who trusted God didn’t end up in shame, then your case won’t be different here. You will never end in shame.

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Remember, He that keepeth Isreal will never allow your feet to be moved until you achieved your heart desires. And what doesn’t exist is that particular thing God can’t do.

Though it may take time, but God still changes life, He still changes conditions and status, He still turnaround situations in this dispensations. Tell God about that very disturbing challenges and let Him know that it won’t end in shame.

I leave you with Philippians 4:6-7 American Standard Version (ASV), which says “In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”

From: Oduigwe Chidera Dok, Cele Writer.