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How then can a Christian have victory over sin and not remain a casualty to the prayer contractors, fake clergies, and mammon priests masquerading as servants of Christ?

When Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the faithful in Corinth circa 56 AD, Christians were an insignificant minority in a City-State given to idol worship.

Part of their temple worship included prostitution and even homosexuality (see 1 Corinthian 6:9) and members of the Corinthian Church had lived this lifestyle.

Still, Paul did not for once prescribe deliverance from demons or use of ancillaries such as anointing oil and handkerchiefs! Not once!

The instruction was simple and direct and it was “Flee from sexual immorality” (1 Cor 6:18a).

Wasn’t that not what Joseph did when Potiphar’s wife sought to entangle him? Did anyone say it was always easy?

Joseph was too busy walking in the Spirit to succumb to Mrs. Potiphar’s cat walking and that is the difference!

With that being said, Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to set them (us) free from sin. Even though sin can tempt us, we can have victory through God’s help.

Here are simple ways Christians can overcome sin and live a life pleasing to God:

Trust in Jesus: Jesus’ death on the cross paid for all sin. Believing in Him gives us the power to say no to sin. The Bible says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Pray for Strength: Prayer helps Christians stay close to God. When tempted, asking God for help can give us strength to make the right choices.

Read the Bible: God’s Word is like a guide. It teaches what is right and wrong and reminds us of God’s promises. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Rely on the Holy Spirit: Christians have the Holy Spirit to guide and empower them. The Spirit helps us grow stronger against sin.

Stay Accountable: Sharing struggles with trusted friends or mentors can provide encouragement and support.

    Victory over sin doesn’t mean Christians are perfect, but it means they trust God to help them live a life of obedience and love. Share your thought on the comment section.

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