Enigma - Principles Of Lust: Sadeness / Find Love / Sadeness Mp3 Download & Lyrics

Enigma - Principles Of Lust: Sadeness / Find Love / Sadeness Mp3 Download & Lyrics

Enigma – Principles Of Lust: Sadeness / Find Love / Sadeness. Enigma is a German musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu.

Cretu had released several solo records, collaborated with various artists, and produced albums for his then-wife, German pop singer Sandra, before he conceived the idea of a new-age, worldbeat project.

Principles of Lust is a song that explores themes of love, desire and emotional conflict. It is divided into different parts, each dealing with different emotions related to lust and love.


[Lettre de “Principles Of Lust: Sadeness/Find Love/Sadeness (Reprise)”]

[Part I: Sadeness]


Procedamus in pace

In nomine Christi, amen…

[Verse 1]

Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur

Attollite portas, principes, vestras

Et elevamini, portae aeternales

Et introibit rex gloriae

Quis est iste rex glorie?


Sade, dis-moi…

Sade, donne-moi…


Procedamus in pace

In nomine Christi, amen…

[Verse 2]

Sade, dis-moi

Qu’est-ce que tu vas chercher ?

Le Bien par le Mal

La Vertu par le Vice ?

Sade, dis-moi

Pourquoi l’Évangile du Mal ?

Quelle est ta religion

Où sont tes fidèles ?

Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l’Homme

Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin ?


Sade, dis-moi…


Sade, donne-moi…


Sade, dis-moi…


Sade, donne-moi…



In nomine Christi, amen…

[Part II: Find Love]


The Principles of Lust are easy to understand

Do what you feel, feel until the end

The Principles of Lust are burnt in your mind

Do what you want, do it until you find


The Principles of Lust are easy to understand

Do what you feel, feel until the end

The Principles of Lust are burnt in your mind

Do what you want, do it until you find


[Part III: Sadeness (Reprise)]

[Sadeness Verse 2 Reversed]


Sade, dis-moi…

Sade, donne-moi…

Sade, dis-moi…


Sade, donne-moi…


Sade, dis-moi…


Sade, donne-moi…


Sade, dis-moi…
