“Meeting your Maker” is a phrase people often use to talk about the moment a person faces their creator or God, usually after they pass away.
For many, it is a spiritual idea tied to their faith or beliefs about what happens after life. It can also make people think about the choices they have made and how they lived their lives.
As for me, meeting your Maker means being judged for your actions here on earth. Were you kind? Did you help others? Did you love one another or live honestly?
This idea can encourage people to reflect on their lives. It reminds us to be thoughtful about how we treat others and how we spend our time here on eart while alive.
Daily Devotion : Meeting Your Maker
Before I start to talk about this very article in depth, let me share with you this very anchor scripture.
“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7
The scripture above illustrates that there is and end to life here on earth. The body returns to the earth and the spirit to God who gave it.
Those who do not believe that there is another life after death should know that when life ends on earth the soul appears before God for judgement.
For it’s appointed unto men (and women too) once to die and after this the judgement, this is according to the book of Hebrews 9:27, .
Those who have the liberty to rejoice are the born again Christians because they have passed life here on earth and have attained eternal life.
They are judged for rewards but the unbeliever is judged unto damnation because he or she did not believe in Jesus Christ.
Let us live in this world with the mindset that one day we will give account to God for stewardship. The almighty God has made Jesus Christ the judge to judge both the living and the dead.
My beloved, nobody can avoid Jesus Christ; everyone will appear before Him for the final judment. Share your thought below…
From; Oduigwe Chidera Dok…