Live Unto The Lord? As Christians, we are called to live for the Lord in everything we do. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” This means our lives belong to God and we should honour Him in all things.
Living unto the Lord means putting Him first. It’s about making choices that please God and reflect His love. This includes being kind to others, speaking the truth and living in peace. It also means trusting Him in hard times and thanking Him in good times.
We can live for the Lord by using our talents and time to serve Him. Whether it’s helping someone in need, praying for others, or sharing the good news of Jesus, these actions bring glory to God.
When we live for the Lord, our lives have purpose. We find joy, peace and fulfillment because we are walking in His plan. Even in challenges, we know we are not alone because God is with us.
Daily Devotion: Live Unto The Lord
The anchor scripture reads; “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die , we are the Lord’s.” Romans 14:8
The apostle Paul is communicating truth to believers in Christ Jesus that they belong to Christ in whatever state they are.
There are Christians who are terrified when they hear of death, especially when they are told that they will one day die. Instead of thinking about death, the Christian should think about life, what he or she is doing or going to do with his or her which will be rewarded by Christ one day.
My dear reader, let this consciousness be in you that you belong to Jesus Christ whether alive or dead. Therefore, think about what you are doing for Christ or what you are going to do for Christ .
Never be afraid of death , for you have power over death.
Live Unto The Lord? Share your comments below…
From; Oduigwe Chidera Dok