Daily Devotion: Father Son Relationship

Daily devotion: father son relationship? First, the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the Son is a perfect example of love, obedience and unity.

In the account of John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” This shows that Jesus and God the Father are always in perfect agreement.

God the Father sent Jesus to the world to save us from sin. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus obeyed the Father and gave His life for us. His obedience shows how much He trusted and loved the Father. 

This relationship also teaches us how we should relate to God. Just as Jesus obeyed and trusted His Father, we should also obey and trust God in our daily lives.

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When we pray, listen to His Word and follow His ways, we grow closer to God.  In line with that, God wants to have a father-child relationship with us, too.

He loves and cares for us as His children. When we accept Jesus, we become part of His family. 

                                                     Daily Devotion: Father Son Relationship

Now, my anchor scripture today reads; “And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.” 1 Chronicles 28:20

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Here secondly, King David was old and crowned his son, Solomon, king over Israel. King David was instructed by God not to build Him a temple because he was a man of war and had shed blood.

Rather He chose Solomon to build the temple. David was still glad to provide the materials for the house of God even though he was not the one chosen to build the house of God.

He provided Solomon with all the information he needed to build the temple; he even encouraged Solomon to do the work without fear or dismay, for God was with him.

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The story about David and Solomon depicts a responsible father son relationship; King David trained and raised Solomon to take over from him.

Solomon, on the other hand, submitted himself to his father and executed to the letter all that his father laid down for him.

A good relationship between God and us or parents and their children enhances development and continuity in the house of God.

My dear reader, what do you learn from this passage? Daily Devotion: Father Son Relationship

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From; Oduigwe, Chidera Dok…

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