Daily Devotion: Defeated Foes

Let’s look into this anchor scripture; “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Colossinans 2:15

Jesus Christ died and was buried. He went to hell on our behalf and defeated the devil and his cohorts of darkness and made public show of them on the cross of calvary.

He demostrated what was impossible with men and now he made it possible for believers in Him to continue to make public show of the devil and his cohorts of darkness by using the name of Jesus Christ.

At the mention of the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth, all knees bow, in heaven, on earth and under the earth. My dear, do you want to triumph over everything? Then use the name of Jesus Christ to defeat the foes in your life, business and families.

But who are the defeated foes? The defeated foes here can also be those who ALWAYS plan for your downfail. Those who move about rubbishing your name for their personal gain. Those who does’t want to see you succeed in life.

Thay people who are not happy with you, although they may laugh whenever you are with them. They are those whose heart is “dark” and “heavy” over your existence.

Defeated foes are enemies of progress and blessings. They represent wickness in all they do.

Hear me again, the name of Jesus Christ is the answer and solution you truly need to get them bow down. This year, every wicked foes in your life, family, business, working place etc, are no more in existence. The name Jesus Christ, Has won it all. Hallelujah!!!!

From: Oduigwe Chidera Dok…

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