JESUS IYE – NATHANIEL BASSEY Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics.

JESUS IYE – NATHANIEL BASSEY Mp3 Download, Video & Lyrics.

ADONAI | NATHANIEL BASSEY Mp3 Download. According to Bassey, the talented Nigerian gospel miniter and songwriter who said; “Last year, August to be precise, I woke up in the morning after a HALLELUJAH CHALLENGE session.

And as soon as my feet hit the floor, The LORD opened my heart to hear THIS SONG. I picked up my phone and recorded a voice note of it.

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Here is ADONAI. One of those songs heaven gives. Enjoy. “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised” Psalm 113:3″


Song Title: ADONAI

Year Released: 2022

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